Taylor took her first trip to Brenham this week! For those that don't know - Brenham is the town NW of Houston where my mom grew up... as kids, we spent every major holiday there - and, in addition to turkey day and Christmas, holidays in our house included the Washington County Fair and Maifest! It was really odd being away from Rob for the night, but the change of scenery was nice for me. We got a chance to visit with the Kacy and Dave and the girls. Aunt Ann stopped by for a visit, and Uncle John and Aunt Lori brought fajitas to the house for dinner. And my mom (Gran, Granny, Grandma, LeeLee, LaLee, or whoever she is), Julie, Taylor and I got to go on a good long walk in the morning before heading home. These pictures are a few of the many we snapped...
Tummy Time

Uncle John loves Taylor... and she loves him... don't you just love how comfortable they are together! :) (He's begging Aunt JuJuB to take her at this moment.)
Julie and my mom held her much of the time and gave me a break...

...but not the whole time. I just love when she sleeps on me... Sleeping Beauty.

Trish said...
Erin, she's gorgeous!