Taylor starred in her first photo shoot yesterday.  My sister, Julie (aka Aunt JuJuB), and I gathered some props... she shot the photos and I entertained the baby.  After all was said and done I think we came up with a few great shots and a few funny shots!  I've been playing with iPhoto on our computer and am still experimenting with a few finishing touches, but here are a few of pictures!

Feet in the air - and happy!

She's either deep in thought or gassy... you tell me.

This is a classic Taylor pose... such determination!  Such concentration!  Such strong, clinched fists!!

This is probably the best one of the bunch... well, at least in my opinion!

Sleeping - so precious!

Sweet profile~

Wearing a bow and a diaper... what more do you need?

In a skirt and not to sure about it... 

This is the "Please, no more pictures" pose! 

And we're done! 

Well, half that title is right... he may not be too flirty, but he's definitely THIRTY!   Last week, Rob turned the big 3-0!  It didn't really phase him - he's taking it all in stride, much like everything in his life.  A low key celebration was the name of the game - our wonderful friends, the Churchills, came into town to hang out and have dinner.  Nothing beats sushi, huge slices of cake and great conversation!  Shannon posted a sweet post on her blog about the weekend and our little family, check it out here if you get a chance, she's so talented!  

I thought I'd post a few pictures in tribute to my sweet husband and a few of his favorite things... and NOT necessarily in this order!!  

The Jeep in Colorado... as Rob looks over the valley I imagine him thinking grand, mind-blowing thoughts about life and love and just how BIG our God is.  But it's likely he was just trying to spot his next fly fishing spot!  

Our first camping trip with the dogs at Pedernales Falls State Park... they were puppies back then!

I hear I'm one of his favorites... :)  
This was taken on the coast of Maine during our trip with the Coffman's a few  years ago.

And in his newest role - first day of being a daddy!
Love you Booger!  Can't wait for more birthdays and more memories!!

Taylor's friends came over last week to play on her fun activity gym...  That's Bella on the left, Ellie in the middle and Taylor on the right.  I think they were all looking to Taylor for advice since she is the oldest (and wisest?) of the three girls - either that, or that's just the way their heads roll at this age!  She's four days older than Ellie and 11 days older than Bella.  I'm thinking we should call them the summer sweethearts!

Most of their time was spent cooing and gurgling at each other and just looking around with flailing arms.   

Check out this left jab from Bella to Ellie... and we all thought she was so innocent... either it really hurt or Ellie is a great little actress!

I can't wait to see what the future holds for these gals (and their bookend boyfriends born this summer too - Bryce, born a couple weeks before Taylor and Drew born last week!).  

Here are a few pictures we took last week... Taylor - Seven Weeks Old.

Look at my muscles!!

Love the socks...

Love that face!

Napping with Toby

Let me tell you a story... today was a rough day... it started out pretty good though... first I woke Mama up at 5:30 for breakfast.  She's a morning person, so she doesn't mind... right?? Then I got dressed.  I wore pants for the first time!  And even though they are pulled up to my belly button I think I'm pretty darn cute.

I got all dressed up because Mama said we were going on an outing!  I like outings... see, I'm ready to go!

Outings are the perfect place for me to catch up on my sleep these days... yawn... I mean, I AM 8 weeks old already... I should know. 

Mama didn't tell me we were going to the doctor's office for shots!!!  See my blue band-aids?!?  Ouch!!

Mama was pretty sad for me too - I don't think she knew it was going to hurt that bad... 

I'm recovering though... I think I'm gonna be alright... 
Yeah, life is good... I probably won't remember those silly shots tomorrow.

Taylor LOVES her activity gym (Thanks Schindlers!!).  We spend time on it daily and I thought you might enjoy watching this video of our little Lean Mean Kicking Machine.  Soccer anyone?!  

Taylor took her first trip to Brenham this week!  For those that don't know - Brenham is the town NW of Houston where my mom grew up... as kids, we spent every major holiday there - and, in addition to turkey day and Christmas, holidays in our house included the Washington County Fair and Maifest!   It was really odd being away from Rob for the night, but the change of scenery was nice for me.  We got a chance to visit with the Kacy and Dave and the girls.  Aunt Ann stopped by for a visit, and Uncle John and Aunt Lori brought fajitas to the house for dinner.  And my mom (Gran, Granny, Grandma, LeeLee, LaLee, or whoever she is), Julie, Taylor and I got to go on a good long walk in the morning before heading home.  These pictures are a few of the many we snapped... 

Tummy Time

Uncle John loves Taylor... and she loves him... don't you just love how comfortable they are together!  :)  (He's begging Aunt JuJuB to take her at this moment.)

Julie and my mom held her much of the time and gave me a break...

...but not the whole time.  I just love when she sleeps on me... Sleeping Beauty.