Taylor's friends came over last week to play on her fun activity gym...  That's Bella on the left, Ellie in the middle and Taylor on the right.  I think they were all looking to Taylor for advice since she is the oldest (and wisest?) of the three girls - either that, or that's just the way their heads roll at this age!  She's four days older than Ellie and 11 days older than Bella.  I'm thinking we should call them the summer sweethearts!

Most of their time was spent cooing and gurgling at each other and just looking around with flailing arms.   

Check out this left jab from Bella to Ellie... and we all thought she was so innocent... either it really hurt or Ellie is a great little actress!

I can't wait to see what the future holds for these gals (and their bookend boyfriends born this summer too - Bryce, born a couple weeks before Taylor and Drew born last week!).  

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