We did it! Our first major road trip with Taylor! We drove the 12-hour road trip to Memphis overnight and our little Tater Tot did wonderfully! We're so proud of her.
Our Thanksgiving vacation in Tennessee with Rob's grandparents was made complete because of the following highlights:
- A very traditional southern Turkey Day meal with smoked turkey and mouthwatering side dishes! I totally think the sides make the meal!
- Several desserts from scratch including multiple four layer cakes and pies. I have no shame in admitting that I had cake for breakfast one day... hey - Aunt Janet did it first and Grandmama did it second! When in Rome...
- REAL autumn colors!!
- Afternoon strolls while wearing fleece through the small southern town with plantation style homes and awesome Magnolia Trees.
- Catching up with family we rarely see - Rob's older brother, Aaron and his family drove in from Wisconsin, and Rob's Aunt and cousins that live in Tennessee were all part of the festivities... I just wish I got more pictures of everyone!
- Graceland! I know... checking out "Elvis the Pelvis" is not really a typical holiday activity, but I had never been there, and I couldn't pass up that opportunity...
- Seeing the LOVE that Rob's Grandmama and Granddaddy have for little miss Taylor brought tears to my eyes.
I could go on and on... and here are a few of the highlight photos from the trip... there are TONS more, but they will have to wait for another time.
Here's Rob's mom, Michelle, and Chris.
Our little nephew, Adrian!! So stinkin' cute! He's showing off his rocks in this picture!
Rob's cousin's son, Donovan, was so adorable with Taylor... seriously... the sweetest thing ever! (Guys, he REALLY needs that baby sister!!)
The brothers... Rob, Chris, and Aaron. They just look related, don't they?!? Maybe it's the way they all have their hands in their pockets that make them look alike?!? :)
Here's Taylor's sweet Great-Grandmama. She and Taylor seemed to have a very special connection.
Little miss T all bundled up for our walk around town.