What is a Chupacabra, you ask?
Beats me, but we tried to find out last weekend...
Rob and I packed up Taylor and drove to Ft. Worth for the "Los Chupacabras de DFW!"
It was a 10k, night-time trail run through some awesome mountain bike trails just north of Lake Grapevine!
A little about the run - we were told it was a "fun run" not a race... yeah right, are you kidding me?! We definitely had fun, but it's hard to get that race mentality out of your head when you're all at the starting line, they shoot a gun to start the "run" and everyone takes off running underneath the big timer that keeps track of everyone's time. They even gave us shoe tags to keep track of times... or perhaps the shoe tags were to keep track of runner's that didn't make it to the finish line. Maybe they were worried about people being eaten by a chupacabra?! They assured us ahead of time that headlamps were required and that even though the trail was marked with glowsticks and signs that we WOULD get lost if not careful! Luckily we finished without any major mishaps and had a great time!!
Our generous, fun-loving friends, The Churchill's, graciously opened up their home to us as a place to crash. And crash we did - after the run and mandatory fire pit time at their house! S'mores anyone?! After a big breakfast of blueberry pancakes for me and sweet potato pancakes for Rob we headed home. A short visit with these special friends only leaves me wanting more...
Here's a short video of Taylor in the car on the drive to Ft. Worth. All the background noise is specially created just for you by our old Subaru! If you listen closely, you can hear Taylor talking. One of her favorite songs these days is the Itsy Bitsy Spider... she's starting to get the hang of the hand motions and even tries to get her baby doll to do it too! And if YOU hang in there through the song you'll even get a smooch at the end!
Them Clarkes said...
Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh my goodness I have the cutest niece everrrrr. way to go on that run too by the way!
Anonymous said...
I won't even tell you how many times I have watched this video! She is so precious!!!!!!