Julie’s Poem, March 5, 2010 - Rehearsal Dinner
With a paper chain hung around her room,
The countdown to NOW began.
With each new dawn a link came down,
She’s left with one white one in hand.
Did you ever think it would happen?
That the day would actually arrive?
Tomorrow you’ll meet your man,
Down the aisle and stand side by side.
But before we can let that happen,
You know we must toast and roast you dear.
Let’s tell a few stories and draw a laugh,
And then bless you and wipe a tear.
There’s just so much material,
Lots of laugh worthy stories,
None of which fail,
To give God the glory!
Our precious Jules, she’s growing up,
But it’s funny how all I can see,
Is a little perched lip five year old,
Long hair pulled back in a clippy.
As a young girl,
She was a little Miss Priss,
The first to say “I love you,”
And offer up a kiss.
That’s not to say she doesn’t have,
An outdoorsy side to share.
But as a girl, that wasn’t evident,
With perfect nails brushing back her hair!
And she was known to change her clothes,
At least five times a day.
What’s the saying? Old habits die hard?
That would be true today.
She’s my sister and of course I love her so,
But Jason it’s you I must warn.
There are a few Julie-isms you cannot change,
Things she’s done since she was born.
Be careful tomorrow when you fall asleep,
Right next to your beautiful wife.
She sleepwalks and kicks and punches too...
In your sleep you’ll fear for your life!
But don’t worry you should be protected,
With all of her blankets and pillows around.
Just don’t touch this one or that one
And leave those blankets - then she’ll sleep sound.
Our Julie she needs a protector
And Jason I’m afraid that man is you.
Her fear of bees is well understood,
And even if they’re just flies, make them shew.
Living at home with her folks this year,
Her competitive spirit has shown.
This bananagram champion plays cards galore,
I know Dad’s sad to see her go.
I heard that Jason’s hair
Brushed his shoulders back in the day.
A far cry from that marine’s buzz cut,
Julie, you like it which way?
It’s no secret they’re in good shape
Working out is a favorite hobby.
Maybe you guys can work your magic
And help the rest of us get hard bodies?!
They met back in high school,
And were reading similar books.
Captivated by his wild heart,
It seemed she didn’t want to look.
But brother John had the insiders scoop,
He knew right from the start,
That these two were meant to be,
And God Himself connected their hearts.
Distance has been a friend to these two,
In fact they know him way too well.
But from Lubbock to Camp LeJune
A testimony is being built to tell.
They’ll be able to share with everyone,
Stories of trial and tribulation,
Coupled with perfect timing,
Leading to joy and jubilation!
I’m sure they’d say God’s faithful,
And that His promises are true,
That His Word holds all the answers,
And that He loves me and you.
Jason and Julie have no other choice
Than to share these things with us.
Their love and devotion to Jesus Christ
It overflows their cups.
You guys are so outward focused,
But for now just take a sec.
Let us shower you with encouragement,
For your future, what to expect.
Our prayer, dear JaJa and JuJuB,
Is that roses and sunshine abound.
But if, by chance, a little darkness falls,
Do not fear, in Christ you are found!
So tonight let’s lift our gaze,
To the heavens and give God praise.
For the guests of honor will soon be wed,
And embark joyfully on their way.