Okay, the picture on this blog... the one you see at the top right corner... can you tell what it is?? Obviously some eyeballs... Give up? Okay... I'll tell you since I know you're all dying to know...

Ok - had to do it. Here's a pic when I'm around 33 weeks pregnant! Thanks again to the Prevost's who let me swim at their pool and spare other onlookers this sight.
Rob - after going down the slide... great shot if I say so myself!
Toby... looking for Rob underwater - he was too cute! He'd get worried every time Rob went under water, and thus would jump in after him!

For Mother's Day this past May, Rob got me this awesome camera! It's an Olympus Stylus and is super tough... it even works under water! Rob and I were swimming several times this summer (thanks to the Prevost's!) and decided to try out the camera. Being pregnant during this past summer of RECORD BREAKING temperatures made the pool my favorite place! Here are a couple shots we captured with the new camera... Here's the infamous picture... bubbles and all.