I've been asked by several people in the past if I was a cheerleader growing up. The answer to that is a big no. Rob calls it a "bubbly" personality... perhaps I'm just excitable?? Regardless, my cheerleading tendencies were never needed more than today.
This is a picture of Taylor... very constipated! Bless her little heart... and her clinched fists, furrowed eyebrow, flared nostrils, and firm tummy.
After a visit to CVS, a pep talk to Taylor, and some hard work, Taylor is now resting peacefully.
I've never cheered so hard in my life encouraging her to push it out, push it out, WAAAAYYY out! And I've never celebrated poo like I did this afternoon. Ah the life of a mama...
Rachel said...
I'm patiently waiting Steph's comment...