Rob has been working unbelievably hard this summer to make some awesome changes around our house! I've been helping him where I can, but as I've gotten bigger I haven't been much help! Luckily we've got amazing friends and family and have really been able to make progress with their help!! Our house feels like a new home - and we can't wait for everyone to see it in person! Please bear with my attempt to post pictures for the first time!!

We started upstairs with Taylor's Room... here are some before and after pictures! And YES - the room was purple to start (even the ceiling)! It was nicknamed the Barney room... for obvious reasons.
After fresh paint (and primer, of course), new carpet, and new trim, here's her room... almost complete! Sometimes we like to just hang out in there!
I'll post more later about some of the other changes in the house! Thanks for reading...
stephnachia said...
You're motivating me to go make a blog now! Can't wait to see pics of Taylor on here... and see her in person!!! :-)
Trish said...
I love the color scheme! :)
Rachel said...
I'm looking forward to checking up on your happenings on here!
Shannon said...
Gorgeous - I love it!