Well - it's been a year.
They were right...
Everything has changed... but it's good change.
Change I wouldn't dare change if given the choice.
Sweet Taylor Rose.
Newborn - first week at home
Short on sleep, we were clueless and on cloud nine.
Today, we're still clueless, but I'm learning to trust my instincts and go with my gut.
Perhaps I'm tuning into my mother's intuition...
3 months
I will always remember precious 3 AM feedings and how I cherished the time as I transitioned into working again. I remember gummy grins, delightful giggles and feeling so special to witness those.
6 months
A personality is emerging... goofy like her parents... nerdy like her father (& mother)... active and adventurous like her family... joyful and thoughtful like herself.
9 months
More personality!
She's actually pretty funny. She's been known to fake coughs and make herself toot for attention. She giggles afterward watching us laugh (while trying NOT to laugh, of course).
Who taught her that??
She LOVES books... of any kind. Even Rob's scientific books of fish and reptiles. Pat the Bunny, Rainbow Fish to the Rescue, Where the Wild Things Are... and any other book we put in front of her.
12 months
She's also so sweet and affectionate. She'll cuddle up and suck her thumb when she's sleepy and lean in to lay her little punkin head on everything she loves...her stuffed fish, Daisy, her lovey, her book, her Daddy, her Mama, her grandparents, aunts, and uncles...
She's so loving towards people where ever she goes. Waving at adults, anxious to catch the eye of another kid, and flirting with anyone.
Quick to make us smile, we throw all caution to the wind and we delight in her.
I love you Taylor Rose, with more love than I ever thought I was capable of feeling.
I thank God for you daily.
Thank you for stretching me, shaking up my world, and growing my faith.
Thank you for loving me, needing me, and and wanting me to love you.
Our world changed with you, one year ago today at 10:33 AM - and I couldn't be more blessed.
Happy Birthday, Sweet T.
They were right...
Everything has changed... but it's good change.
Change I wouldn't dare change if given the choice.
Sweet Taylor Rose.
Short on sleep, we were clueless and on cloud nine.
Today, we're still clueless, but I'm learning to trust my instincts and go with my gut.
Perhaps I'm tuning into my mother's intuition...
I will always remember precious 3 AM feedings and how I cherished the time as I transitioned into working again. I remember gummy grins, delightful giggles and feeling so special to witness those.
A personality is emerging... goofy like her parents... nerdy like her father (& mother)... active and adventurous like her family... joyful and thoughtful like herself.
More personality!
She's actually pretty funny. She's been known to fake coughs and make herself toot for attention. She giggles afterward watching us laugh (while trying NOT to laugh, of course).
Who taught her that??
She LOVES books... of any kind. Even Rob's scientific books of fish and reptiles. Pat the Bunny, Rainbow Fish to the Rescue, Where the Wild Things Are... and any other book we put in front of her.
She's also so sweet and affectionate. She'll cuddle up and suck her thumb when she's sleepy and lean in to lay her little punkin head on everything she loves...her stuffed fish, Daisy, her lovey, her book, her Daddy, her Mama, her grandparents, aunts, and uncles...
She's so loving towards people where ever she goes. Waving at adults, anxious to catch the eye of another kid, and flirting with anyone.
Quick to make us smile, we throw all caution to the wind and we delight in her.
I thank God for you daily.
Thank you for stretching me, shaking up my world, and growing my faith.
Thank you for loving me, needing me, and and wanting me to love you.
Our world changed with you, one year ago today at 10:33 AM - and I couldn't be more blessed.
Happy Birthday, Sweet T.