Warning: LONG blog post ahead, proceed with caution.
Rob and I have been going to Colorado together for YEARS... In fact, the first pictures we have are prints... with negatives... that I haven't scanned into the computer yet. I think our first year was probably 1999...
Colorado is where we tend to reconnect with God, nature, and each other. We find it so fulfilling that each year we try to get others to join us. Sometimes we're successful... other times it's just us (which works out great too). Here's a quick history (at least where my pictures start!).

In 2005 it was just us and the dogs on the trip! I think this was the trip where we camped for several days until the dogs popped the air mattress and we headed to a motel.
In 2006, we were fortunate enough to share the experience with the Johnston's and the Gallagher's... before kids... I'd love to do the trip now, as families! What do you say guys?!?
In May of 2008, My siblings, Julie and John, joined us.
It's always something new in CO. Snow!
In 2009, I was eight months pregnant. So, Rob made it a guys trip. And in case you're wondering, they're doing the Captain Morgan's pose on the side of a mountain. Boys being boys.
This year... 2010... we were back. In addition to Taylor, Rob, me, and the dogs - Julie, Jason (her new hubby) and June joined us!
Rob drove up with everyone and EVERYTHING, and when he had camp set up and a couple CO days under his belt, Taylor and I flew up to meet him. She did GREAT on the plane, by the way, charming everyone in the airport and sleeping/playing on the plane. Surprised the heck out of me!
I feel like there's so much to tell... so I'll just hit the highlights...
Taylor loves dirt... and running water... and cold weather... and dirt... and sticks... and sleeping in the tent... and dirt... you get the picture.

She fit right in - and even learned a few new tricks thanks to Aunt JuJuB - here's a high five!
We hiked to a couple peaks... Look at the newlyweds!
I think we ended at an elevation around 12,500 feet and had lunch at the top. (Although, I have to give major props to Jason and Rob who climbed to about 13,000 feet!)
Rob's TOTALLY in his element in CO.
Yes, I'm striking a pose on the top of a mountain. It's kind of hard to tell scale here, but see those peaks behind me?! Imagine I'm standing on top of one of them. Yeah... now you see it! Pretty intense!
Here is sweet June with our pups. We all wore jackets - even the dogs. It got down to the low 40's at night... probably mid 70's during the day. Perfect!!
And June took care of Taylor at the campsite so we could hike!

The flower's were in bloom... doesn't it look like these daisy's are praising God?! It's as if they can't help but reach up as high as they can with their faces turned to God, arms wide open! I love it.
These flowers remind me of Rob and me... wish we were still there. See the resemblance?!
If you're interested in joining us next time, just let us know!
We'd be happy to show you the way to our favorite campsite, cook some dutch oven favorites for you, and discuss the meaning of life while the campfire burns down to ashes and the moonlight guides you to your tent!
Rachel said...
Love your photos Erin. Your mountain-top pose is great!
Shannon said...
Looks wonderful! Even from a girl that doesn't "love" camping. I definitely think CO is more up my camping ally than H-town though. Hopefully we'll make the trip someday :)
stephnachia said...
We'd totally wanna go with y'all sometime! I'm not much of a camper but I LOVE nature... how's that for a paradox. :-)