Last weekend, Rob, T and I met up with some of our best friends - the Churchill's and the Schindler's - in Fort Worth. Us adults spent some time at an awesome marriage seminar that happened to fall on Valentines Day weekend and got Rob off the hook for doing anything else Valentines-y. After focusing on the baby for the last six months it felt rejuvenating to focus on our marriage again! I think the best part - besides the 9 pages of notes I brought home - was the vow renewal at the end. For anyone that wants details on the seminar I'm happy to share them...
Besides the seminar we got some great hang time with our friends. And to top things off, Fort Worth got REAL snow (12 inches!!) the day before we headed up there! That was such a treat for us and the other kiddo's there! Here are some of my pics from the weekend...
Rob and Jack having a snowball fight!
One of my favorites... Jack throwing a snowball at his dad! Ha - nice shot Jack!!
Here's our fearless hostess! She worked so hard preparing her home for all of us and making homemade lasagna, breakfast casserole, monkey bread, and a sinfully delightful cake! Shannon probably has some better shots than me... and I'm sorry to say this is the only pic I got of her all weekend! Lookin' good girl!
Here's Sam... actually Sammy... she corrected me. When I said "Hi Sam!" She said, "I not Sam, I Sammy." She was working really hard to roll up BIG snowballs for the snow tunnel the guys were building. I love this expression - getting her dad's attention to help move the snowball!
One of the best dad's I know - in action!
I have to apologize to Katie and Jason - sorry I didn't get any pictures of you guys during the weekend. Don't worry - this is the only shot of me. Jack took it - complete with finger over the lens!
Each time we see these sweet friends we are reminded that God ordained our friendships and we come away changed. Always learning. Always sharpening each other. Always left wanting more! Next time... I think we're leaving the kids at home and hitting the lake!! Let's wait until the snow melts, please! Can't wait!!
Lizzie Collum said...
Great shots! So glad you all had a great time together! Did ALL of you stay at their house...ALL 5 kids!? Wow...Shannon must be one heck of a host!!
Shannon said...
Love it! Glad you got that pic of me - I'm totally rethinking those pants! They may make it in the giveaway pile after this season! Lol - love you and can't wait for our next get together. And KAIROS too!!!