Those booties lasted about one minute before being taken off and put to better use.

Since having Taylor, a few things have changed that I feel are worth noting. It might be more comprehensive to make a list of what HASN'T changed... but I can't even think of one thing... hmm... anyway... back to what I was saying... some observations:
1. I sit on the floor... a lot.
2. We talk about poo way too much. And we (or at least I) enjoy it.
3. Life is so much deeper... has so much more meaning.
4. Rob talks sweet... a lot. And he found out that I've been listening to him "sweet-talking" through the monitor. In an effort to keep his sweetness between T and himself, he turned off the monitor the other day. This ended up being more trouble than it was worth. He should have just let me listen. I'm just sayin'...
5. We have dinner at the table (instead of on the couch)... all three of us. Well - she's ON the table, but whatever.
6. I don't love on the dogs like I used to... and that makes me sad.
7. Just check the glass of water on my nightstand to see if she slept through the night. The fuller the glass, the better the night sleep. Each time I get up I tend to take another gulp... empty glass = not a good night sleep, but at least I'm hydrated?!
8. I can't watch the same TV shows, movies, or news stories I used to... anything involving children and hardships... they just hit too close to home.
9. I don't just need God... I'm desperate for Him.
10. I actually DO like pink... in small quantities... and light shades. Shhh... don't tell.