We had quite an extended Christmas this year...
CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY... the weekend before Christmas we got Taylor's present... an upgrade to her favorite play gym, Rob put together this jumpy/bouncy thingy with an assortment of attachments and gadgets (T's favorite is the little sunshine hanging in the front). I like to think of it as NASA training (looks a little like some gyroscope or something with those cross bars... but then again, I'm a nerd and would love to be an astronaut myself, and that's another story for another day).
We spent Christmas Day at Rob's parents' house... the dogs took a moment to relax a little, and we had some good food and good family time.
AND CHRISTMAS STAYED LATE... we spent the day after Christmas at my folks' house where we opened presents and had an enjoyable time hanging out with family. Aunt JuJuB and Taylor stayed cozy in the blanket when we all went outside to play with this goofy Hydrogen powered rocket that belongs to my dad (yes, he's a nerd too).
We had a really nice holiday... and I'm thinking Christmas is lingering even longer since Rob is on Christmas Break for the next week and I took the time off to hang at home with him and T. I love all the memories we made this year and can't wait till T really gets it... I'm thinking a birthday cake for Jesus is going to be a new tradition one of these years.