We had quite an extended Christmas this year... 

CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY... the weekend before Christmas we got Taylor's present... an upgrade to her favorite play gym, Rob put together this jumpy/bouncy thingy with an assortment of attachments and gadgets (T's favorite is the little sunshine hanging in the front).  I like to think of it as NASA training (looks a little like some gyroscope or something with those cross bars... but then again, I'm a nerd and would love to be an astronaut myself, and that's another story for another day).  
Since she doesn't know the difference between Christmas and any other day we gave it to her that day... she seemed to like it.  She's already learned that it's usually more fun to keep her hands near the toys as opposed to in the leg hole... she's so smart... maybe she IS NASA bound?!
She worked pretty hard and was pretty tuckered out after all that fun... 
CHRISTMAS CAME RIGHT ON TIME... I'm not usually one to dress up my daughter like a doll, but T looked so cute in her Christmas outfit and I couldn't resist... she had already kicked off the cute black shoes when this shot was taken, but you get the picture. :)  We spent Christmas Eve at home.  The wind knocked out the power and our simple pasta dinner turned even simpler when we scrounged around and made tuna sandwiches since we couldn't boil water without pulling out the camping gear.    
We spent Christmas Day at Rob's parents' house... the dogs took a moment to relax a little, and we had some good food and good family time.  
AND CHRISTMAS STAYED LATE... we spent the day after Christmas at my folks' house where we opened presents and had an enjoyable time hanging out with family.  Aunt JuJuB and Taylor stayed cozy in the blanket when we all went outside to play with this goofy Hydrogen powered rocket that belongs to my dad (yes, he's a nerd too). 
We had a really nice holiday... and I'm thinking Christmas is lingering even longer since Rob is on Christmas Break for the next week and I took the time off to hang at home with him and T.   I love all the memories we made this year and can't wait till T really gets it... I'm thinking a birthday cake for Jesus is going to be a new tradition one of these years.




Maybe she likes BEARCLAWS as much as her mama... yummy!

We thought she'd fall asleep on the way to the restaurant... and she was ALMOST there.  But ALMOST just ain't good enough.  After work last night we decided to go out to eat... neither of us felt like cooking, and with our budget these days it's usually a nice treat to go out for dinner.  I was looking forward to a quiet, intimate dinner with my husband and sleeping baby... 

She was immediately squirmy... and before the ridiculously overpriced food arrived at the table I looked at Rob and said that maybe this wasn't a good idea.  I was actually thinking that I would rather be at home cooking than dealing with an upset baby in a restaurant.  I'm sure some of you have been there... Rob started eating - you know, the typical "eating in shifts" thing.  I started doing my best to get T to sleep... she was so tired, but not giving in.  Eventually, with Rob halfway through his meal and me two bites in, I decided I should take her outside where the white noise of traffic could help calm her.  As I paced I looked back in the big window at my lonely husband and my cooling food.  As soon as he finished, Rob came outside and took T.  The extent of our "intimate conversation" over dinner happened at this point.

Erin: Are you finished eating?
Rob: Yup.
Erin: K.

I handed her off... and went in to eat my food... yes, it had cooled off, but I was too hungry to really care.  I guess I had a quiet dinner after all.  You know it's bad when the waitress tries to make you feel better by reminiscing about how she had "been there too."  

But with the last few bites of my meal something changed.  In the midst of this bad, very bad dining experience I felt my heart grow... sitting at the table looking out the same window I was looking into before, I saw my darling husband pacing with our baby girl... he glanced over, as if trying to catch my eye, and smiled.  His smile melted my heart and caused all that tension to dissolve.  And in the quietness of my lonely table with my empty plate, I watched him continue to pace and took a mental picture that I won't ever forget...  our daughter had melted in his loving arms.  I say that makes last night the BEST bad dinner ever.  

During our trip to Memphis, Taylor and I got a chance to visit Graceland with the other gals in the family.  Taylor seemed to enjoy most of the outing... except she started screaming while we were making our way through the trophy hall.  Luckily she was just tired and went right to sleep.  
The land and home were beautiful - it seems as though the house is kept in a time capsule - just the way it was when Elvis' "prescription drugs got the better of him."

I took a bunch of pictures of the inside, but because flashes weren't allowed they didn't turn out very well.  Regardless, there was lots of shag carpeting (on both the floor and ceiling!), three tv's in one room (revolutionary at the time), purple and gold dining room chairs, Elvis' favorite white couch, and a fairly standard kitchen.  In addition to the house we got to tour his airplanes and his automobile collection - all of which were pretty over the top!  
This little car is from the movie "Blue Hawaii" which is the only Elvis flick I've seen... a romance with classic Elvis songs.  
Here's his famous pink cadillac... 
These are the clothes he and Pricilla were married in... 
And here are a few of his more famous costumes.
Elvis is buried on site along with his parents and grandmother... there is also a plaque in honor of his twin brother (I didn't know he had a twin either) who was stillborn.  Can you imagine if BOTH of them were entertainers?
All in all, I learned a lot about "The King" and enjoyed the tour (especially all the music!) - but I couldn't help but wonder about the number of people that came before me and wore the headset I was given without it being cleaned... go figure.