So, I'm a first for my doctor... I even made him a little wide-eyed and surprised after my exam today revealed that I'm now 6 cm dilated and 90% effaced. Apparently he's never seen anyone this far along that's not actually in labor...
A few weeks ago I went in and found out that I was 4cm dilated and 50% effaced... since then I've been progressing slowly to 4cm and 70% and last week's 5cm and 80%. Seems I've been surprising him all along as Doc didn't think I'd make it more than 48 hours after that last appointment. After visiting with him today he said he wasn't planning to make any more predictions with me b/c I'm not as "by the book" as most. That's fine with me... makes for a more interesting story.
At this point, he's planning to induce me on Thursday (we're supposed to show up at 5am and go from there) unless she shows up before then. We're definitely learning a little about patience... and while I've gone back and forth between being ready and being nervous I'm enjoying the prep time. Rob however is having a little tougher time with all this patience - he's just anxious to get this show on the road and has been comparing the waiting to the anticipation felt as a child on Christmas Eve.
It's going to happen sooner or later... it's inevitable... and while I know we're both super excited, I'm finding myself recognizing that this huge change is about to happen... and nothing will ever be the same. I guess I'm trying to soak up our time right now so that later, when we look back on the era before we had kids, we'll remember exactly what it was like and smile... knowing all the while that the present - whenever that is and whatever that involves - is better than even our best times in the past. I'd like to think that I'm not just thinking wishfully... we are so blessed... and God is so good.
To close... here are some old ultrasounds pictures of Taylor. Won't be long now and we'll see her face to face (contented sigh). Off to get some sleep now (while I can!). Thanks for reading...