Yes, it's been forever.
I'm a bit ashamed.
But mostly, I'm just excited to give you an update... finally!!
As of today I'm 38 weeks pregnant.
Between hanging out with Taylor, working full time, trying to keep up with our house (SO not happening), and going to bed at 8:30 pm I decided that second pregnancies go FAST! Luckily Rob has been getting into bed around the same time as me, so we actually get to spend a little time together too.
At my last appointment I was 2cm dilated, 50% effaced... I head back again on Monday unless something happens before then. I've entered the waddling stage... require middle-of-the-night snacks of Cheerios... and enjoy turning the seat warmers in the Jeep on high to relax my back during the commute to work.
In case you don't remember the crazy way Taylor Rose began to make her debut, feel free to read about it
here or watch the video my mom put together of the
main event! We'll see how Reagan Jane joins us soon!
In the mean time... here's a few things we've been doing:
We got "101 Dalmatians" and have watched it a handful of times!

As is typical of our boy, Toby watched it with us... staying very focused on the on-screen pups the whole time!

We played dominoes with Daddy - giggling and laughing galore!
We knocked out Reagan's room in one weekend with some GREAT helpers! These two make my life so FULL... I don't know what I'd do without either of them!
The vision of our favorite trees - Aspens - took shape rather quickly with a little tape and creativity!

I think you get the picture!
We're pretty excited to welcome this little girl into the family and introduce her to the Colorado Aspens sometime in the future!

I'll have to post some final shots of the room... although I feel like there are still some details I want to add... we'll see when that gets done! And, while I've picked out fabric, I haven't been able to make her quilt yet. It will get done at some point... won't it?
We've also taken LOTS of naps... yes, she's sleeping! And yes, she's still in diapers... we'll tackle that monster this summer after we adjusted to the new baby.
We've battled a few rounds of allergies that have turned into illnesses... EACH time T has gotten sick I've caught it right with her. Grr. Hoping to get over the latest round before babycakes arrives... poor kiddo has 102 degree fever in this picture and, in rare form, fell asleep on the couch one morning.
We've went dewberry picking... so tasty to eat straight off the vine!
And of course we celebrated Easter in typical fashion. I've decided it's a little tough explaining the Resurrection to a toddler... I'm up for suggestions on that one...
I've been trying my best to really soak up this one-on-one time that we have with Taylor before Reagan gets here. I think that's my biggest concern through this whole change we're about to experience - how Taylor's going to adjust. In the grand scheme of things, she probably won't remember life without her baby sister and she already loves her and talks about her constantly.
Sing with me.... "Sisters... sisters... there were never such devoted sisters..."
Feeling so blessed and excited about the next stage of life!
I'll try to update more frequently... but no promises!