If my memory serves me right - and let's be clear, it's very possible that it's not - I think the last time we went canoeing was on Memorial Day 2009, when I was 30 weeks pregnant with Taylor.
Needless to say, we were pretty excited to get out on the water again! It was Taylor's first trip... and this was one of the first days in a LONG time where we weren't facing 100-degree temperatures!
In the picture above, I asked Taylor to come stand with me for a picture... instead, she squatted just like me, left knee down, right knee up, and smiled! I love that! Mini me?
We were all smiles as we headed downstream! No better place to be than on daddy's lap.
See that life jacket she's wearing?! It was mine when I was her age... I know... crazy. I'll have to find a picture to upload. There's probably some lifespan to that jacket, but it seemed to hold up well!
This is what we dealt with most of the way... Taylor trying to reach overboard to touch the water... she actually sat down for a good portion of the trip, but 2.5 hours of sitting in a little boat is a little much for a toddler like Taylor.
When she finally got fed up with us telling her to sit down she threw a HUGE tantrum (the terrible twos are in full force at our house). We couldn't put her in time out, and my attempt at spanking was ineffective, so I just had to pin her down with my legs to keep her from falling out of the boat while in tantrum mode. As a result, she fell asleep and we had a peaceful ride for the last 45 minutes or so.
After getting cleaned up and eating lunch she napped the whole way home!