We took Taylor and her favorite baby (see picture below) to Bear Creek Park the other day - it's like a zoo with lots of animals, but it's free and easily accessible!

She had fun running around, picking up dirt and leaves, and making animal sounds. Isn't this the biggest leaf you've ever seen?!?

She's such a little helper! Rather than ride in the stroller, she wanted to help push... she does this with grocery carts too and it makes shopping a little difficult (and slow), but fun, nonetheless. Plus, it's super cute and I think the other customers get a kick out of it!

I love this picture near all the bird cages! Safe and cozy in her daddy's arms, she spotted the owls (probably her favorite type of bird)... Rob and Taylor took turns hooting at the them.

We'll definitely be heading back to this park in the near future! Let us know if you want to tag along!

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