During the last week I've been doing some thinking about all this Mother's Day stuff. And the thoughts that ran through my head were not quite what I expected I'd feel.
Of course, I had all the thoughts about wanting to be appreciated and honored on Mother's Day. Being a mom is hard. There's no doubt about that. But all those thoughts were superseded by deeper, overwhelming feelings. You see, there was a time where I thought I'd never be able to bear any children. We struggled for two years to get pregnant. And by the ever-present, always perfect grace of God we got a call from the doctor saying we were going to have a baby. One day, I'll write the details of that story and share my heart on the subject for you all to read. But for now, let's just focus on the resulting blessing of this precious child. Sweet Taylor Rose.
The best Mother's Day present I received is the simple gift of being a mother. Maybe we went through that period of wondering and waiting and questioning so that NOW I don't take anything for granted.
And I mean anything...
... another diaper with a surprise inside...
... a flirty smile from across the room...
... unidentifiable sticky stuff in my hair...
For these things I am thankful.
... a tiny hand waving to two tired puppies and one tired daddy early in the morning...
... and unexpected bath in Toby's water bowl...
... rolling all over the floor making diaper changes nearly impossible...
... unbridled excitement over little things like Cheerios...
For these things I am grateful.
... all sorts of gunk under my fingernails...
... all sorts of gunk under HER fingernails (and toenails - go figure)...
... a singing buddy in the car during rush hour and an HOV buddy when traffic is heavy...
... the look of wonder on that little face during a new discovery...
... the pure love and joy that ooze from her every pore...
Ahh... I could go on and on, but you get the picture.
So for Mother's Day this year, I had planned on just meditating on these thoughts, soaking in the feelings that accompany them, and thanking God for this precious gift.
As an added bonus, I was blessed by my sweet husband and baby girl and was told to sleep in this morning - I made it to a whopping 7:30am and was greeted by smiling faces and breakfast in bed! I also got to go shopping for some new outdoorsy pants and enjoy some quality family time.
This is a picture of the yummy breakfast... and my little blessing.
Thank you, Lord, for the honor of being a mother.