Reagan is six months old!! Time is flying and we're loving it!
Here are a few pictures showing her growth over the last six months... her come-easy smile was evident from her first day on earth (well, almost)!
One Month
Two Months

Three Months
Four Months
Five Months

Six Months

I can't wait to tell Reagan what a blessing she is... that from the moment of her birth (really, from the moment of conception!) she has been glorifying God and showing us his love and peace and joy.  His timing for her entrance into this world couldn't have been better.  She reminds us to smile in the midst of difficult circumstances and brings contagious joy to every room she enters.  From one people pleaser to another, I can't wait to help her find herself and find balance in her life... helping her realize who it's most important to please.  I love the relationship she's developing with her sister... it's such a joy to watch.  In addition to that light-up-the-room smile, her eyes are captivating... crystal clear blue... and her belly laugh is the best I've ever heard - drawing others to join her.  Six months did that happen?  Next time you see her, please tell her to cut that out!!  Sure love our little Reag-a-muffin!!  

I got this idea from a friends blog... I asked Taylor a number of random questions and recorded her random answers - shown below in italics:

1. Favorite Color?  Purple
2. Favorite Letter? B
3. Favorite Number?  buh (after reminding her what numbers were and re-asking the question she gave the same answer... go figure)
4. What do you like most about being a big sister? Liking my little sister
5. Favorite thing about Reagan?  I like Reagan
6. What are you going to be for Halloween?  Purple Kitty Cat  (last week she wanted to be a purple spider)
7. Who's your best friend?  Leah... no... Camilla... Leah and Camilla
8. What's your favorite thing to do?  Play with my little sister
9. Favorite food? Pancake, waffle, carrots too (riiiight)
10. Favorite animal?  Elephant
11. Favorite song?  ABC's, itsey bitsey spider, big fat spider, and little baby spider
12. Favorite day of the week?  Monday  (weirdo!)
13. Favorite month?  Jemuebby  January?  no... Jemuebby
14. Favorite movie?  Alice in Wonderland (I don't buy this at all...)
15. Favorite toy?  Horsey... starts with a "huh"
16. Favorite bedtime activity?  Read books
17. Favorite thing to do at school?  Work in the afternoon with cars and legos, no legos are for big kids
18. Favorite princess?  Ariel
19. Favorite vacation?  The Zoo
20. Favorite puppy?  Toby
21. Favorite flower?  Cookie... cah cah cookie
22. Favorite book?  Mother Goose and My Little Kitten (which comes with a kitten charm necklace)

Precious girl.