Every night we tend to spend a little QT with Miss T before putting her to bed. Tonight was not much different...

We like to read books.
She's starting to remember the stories and tends to "read" books to/with us as opposed to us just reading them to her. This is one of her favorites! The video will give you a little insight into her reading, our interpreting, and other bed time activities.

Daddy gets a good smooch.
Isn't her hair starting to get long?!? I've attempted "tony tails" but if I can keep her still long enough to get her hair pulled up and out of her face she pulls it out after a few minutes. Any suggestions on how to make that work?

Wish this photo came out better - Mom, can you work your magic?!?
Taylor and Mommy act silly.
Taylor usually brings me a crocheted blanket for my head and then puts one on her head too. Lately we've been singing "Matchmaker, Matchmaker make me a match... find me a find... catch me a catch..."
And after we put all her babies to bed she lays down too... head on pillow, babies within arms reach. We say a little prayer... usually something like, "Dear God, thank you for this wonderful day, thank you for Taylor Rose, Daddy, Mommy, Toby, and Daisy. Please be with Taylor and help her have a good night sleep, and thank you most of all for Jesus. Amen."

Tonight, as I got close to her with the camera she was sticking her feet through the slats in the crib to "get me!" Appropriately I called her a goober which brought on a string of sweet giggles.
To which I responded, "Night, night, Sweet Sugar, I love you."
All precious things I don't ever want to forget!

Taylor is all about her ABC's these days...

Up until recently she called them "AB's" and within the last couple months she finally added the "C" and calls them "ABC's!"

We've found all sorts of videos on You Tube - and in the video below a british guy talks through all the letters. I caught all but A on the video.

She's so smart.

And of course I'm not biased.
