This post is dedicated to a few of the best fathers that I know.
I feel blessed beyond words to have so much love surrounding me daily.
If these men don't encompass God's love for me and our families, then I don't know who does.
Rob's Dad, Tip.
I'll never forget the way he said he gained a daughter the day Rob and I got married.
So special.
And to the man that raised the boy that is now my husband - I say thank you.
Thank you for being instrumental in Rob's life and for playing a role in making him the man he is today. You have my gratitude.
My Dad.
It's no surprise that I'm a Daddy's girl.
I could write a book... but in a nut shell, this man taught me the importance of making memories with the ones you love, the purity and joy in spending time outdoors, and the tender way a girl should be loved.
In addition, the way he's loved my mom has shaped and molded my view of marriage in countless ways.
Thank you, Dad, I love you.
And, Taylor's Dad, Rob.
The love of my life.
Taylor's too young to realize how good she has it with a daddy like hers.
Hopefully, in years to come, she'll be reminded when she looks back at this Father's Day tribute.
I know Rob's just getting started in this Daddy business, but the tenderness and depth of love that is blossoming within him as a result of Taylor has got me falling more and more in love with him daily. I'm so thankful.
And ultimately, our Father in heaven.
The supreme example of Fatherly love.
I'm deeply humbled at the thought of his love for me.
Thank you, Lord, for everything.