I was going to title this post "Wildly Unsuccessful" but then something changed. 

She actually started liking it!  So, while the first few times were definitely more failure than success, she's actually started enjoying the food!  She starts by sucking the cereal off the spoon... eventually she really opens her mouth and leans in... and on occasion (when I'm moving too slowly) she's been known to actually try to eat the "crumbs" off her bib. 

It's just rice cereal and milk for now... eventually we'll add the fun stuff.  Stay tuned!

As I type, Taylor and I are playing on the floor... it seems like every item I give her ends up encircling her face in one way or another.... as I multi-task, I look over because I hear distinctive Tater Tot Talk... you know the kind... lots of vowels... lots of gurgling... lots of spitting!  She's obviously trying to get my attention to tell me what a wonderful thing she has done.  

"Look Mama!  I got this thing perfectly centered around my adorable little face!  Don't you think it looks good on me?!  I knew you did.  Love you too, Mama."